
Richard Beckett


DC I/O 2020 | DC I/O 2021

Richard is a Lecturer in Bioaugmented Design at the Bartlett School of Architecture, where he is Director of RC7 on the MArch AD course. He is currently PI on an 18 month AHRC research project investigating Probiotic Architeture and is also a cross disciplinary PhD candidate (Bartlett/Engineering).

Richard initially studied physiology and biochemistry before going to work in R&D for Glaxosmithkline as a physical properties scientist. He then went on to study architecture, obtaining his undergraduate degrees from the University of Westminster and a Masters degree in Architectural Design from UCL at the Bartlett School of Architecture.

His investigations in to architecture have remained cross-disciplinary focusing on the contemporary discussion on digital architecture and fabrication alongside the impact of biotechnology on Architecture and more specifically, investigations into the use of living or semi-living materials in our built environment. This background acquires him with a cutting edge expertise in the field of computational data production, 3D printing and digital manufacturing as a material and technical innovator.

He has lectured and given workshops internationally and has been an invited critic at various UK universities. His work is internationally exhibited and published. Outside of the school, he is co-editor and organiser of, a new online forum to disseminate bio-digital work that is emerging in the crossroad of design, biology and engineering.


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